The Secret for 2019…

Merriam-Webster defines secret as something that is “kept from knowledge or view”.

In January, many of us look for the secret of having a successful year, the secret of losing weight, the secret of keeping a new year’s resolution, and the list goes on.

What about the secret of improving your relationship with the Lord this 2019? Or perhaps the secret of a great praying life?

Sometimes, it seems that we make resolutions surrounding ourselves, and not the Lord. But Matthew 6:33 is clear: “Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

This season, we want to challenge you to a deeper 2019. We’re sharing secrets from Andrew Murray in a 5 day “Secrets of Faith” Challenge. Secrets to deepening your knowledge for things like brotherly love, intercession, living in an abiding presence, and a faith life that grows.

All you have to do is sign up below for the Challenge and off we go! You’ll even get a chance to enter for a prize if you complete all 5 days.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up and join us today for a deeper, better 2019.



2019 “Secrets of Faith” Challenge

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