Coming Soon from John MacArthur

Through the cacophony of a sin-perverted world, John MacArthur beckons you to step back into the simplicity of The Ordinary Church: Restoring the Biblical Model.

In today’s landscape, not everything claiming the title of a church embodies health or truth. Pastor John MacArthur’s The Ordinary Church serves as a guide to adopting a God-honoring approach in establishing and defining a faithful congregation amid the challenges of a sin-perverted world.

Therefore, MacArthur invites us to cut through the distractions and walk the old paths, where the timeless truths of Scripture guide us in discerning what truly constitutes a faithful congregation. Prepare to embark on a journey that transcends the superficial and leads us to the heart of genuine, enduring fellowship.

This is what Brian Biedebach, the Dean of Students and Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry at The Master’s Seminary has to say about The Ordinary Church:

“This book has come at a key moment in church history. Society today has infiltrated many churches in ways that lead to confusion among leaders and discontentment among members. John MacArthur provides much needed clarity and insight into how an ‘ordinary church’ is truly extraordinary. This book will not only help remind leaders to remain on task, but it will help every member to grow in his or her love for the body of Christ, ‘the fullness of Him who fills all in all’ (Eph. 1:23). John MacArthur has produced a work that should not only increase your love for Christ, but as you consider these chapters, they will invigorate your desire to serve the body with increased joy.”


Additionally, John MacArthur is the chancellor of The Master’s University and Seminary, an author, and a conference speaker. He is also a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. He’s also a chairman and featured teacher of Grace to You, a nonprofit radio and television program. He and his wife, Patricia, live in Southern California and have four married children, and fifteen grandchildren.

The Ordinary Church will be released on 2/18/25.

Order your copy here:

Read the Bible with Melissa McLaughlin

Have you ever tried to read the Bible only to give up halfway?

Reading through the whole Bible can be challenging, especially with the stress and busyness of everyday life. That’s why Melissa McLaughlin wrote The Whole Bible Devotional: Seeing Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.

The Whole Bible Devotional gives you a nonacademic overview of the Bible, laying out the foundation of God’s redemption plan through Christ. In addition to this overview, McLaughlin will walk you through 66 scripture readings and guided prayer through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Melissa A. McLaughlin taught as a public school teacher for twenty-eight years and then transitioned into writing full-time. Melissa has authored a prayer guide titled In Dark of Night When Words Fail, Voice of Jesus Pray for Me.  She earned a certificate in Foundations in Biblical Studies, is active in her local church, and has led many Bible studies through the years. She also hosts the Christian blog Truthful Grace and writes articles on topics such as biblical growth, spiritual life, passionate prayer, and poetry.

See what early readers are saying about The Whole Bible Devotional:

“The structure of this devotional is genius. Summarizing each Bible book through key scriptures and guiding us through insightful prayers that instruct and encourage, McLaughlin makes the Bible more accessible than ever, always pointing the reader back to the main point—Jesus. In a sea of devotionals, this is the one to pick up if you’re looking for simple, effective, and Spirit-breathed.”

Jessie Mattis, Award-Winning Author, Power Up


“As I read each page, I felt like I was reading God’s Word with a friend. The personal experiences, the Scripture readings, and the heartfelt prayers allowed me to glean from God’s Word without being overwhelmed. This is a wonderful book to share with others. Great to give as a gift.”

— Melissa Henderson, Award-Winning Author

The Whole Bible Devotional will be released on January 28th.

Preorders are available on our websiteAmazon and Barnes & Noble.

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