The Secret of The Throne of Grace Andrew Murray 9781619582804

New Release: The Secret Series


Written over a period of five years, The Secret Series books contain a wealth of teaching that is based on Andrew Murray’s mature and full experience in Christ. Briefly yet eloquently, Murray teaches that our lives and faith are strengthened when we persistently pursue God. These updated and re-design devotionals would be a great addition to your  home library or make a great gift!

Order your copy now!

The Secret of Christ our Life 9781619582828



The Secret of Christ Our Life

As a part of his classic Secret Series devotionals, Andrew Murray wrote this month-long devotional to emphasize the importance of Christ not only being for us, but also being in us. Our daily abiding in Christ enables us to work out our faith, grow branches, and bear fruit to the glory of God.







The Secret of Brotherly Love

Is biblical and God-honoring love attainable between human beings? As a part of his classic Secret Series devotionals, Andrew Murray wrote this month-long devotional to remind believers that this kind of love is not only attainable, but it is commanded. Through the gracious spirit of God, believers can be a flowing stream of God’s love to the world.






The Secret of The Throne of Grace Andrew Murray 9781619582804



The Secret of the Throne of Grace

As a part of his classic Secret Series devotionals, Andrew Murray wrote this month-long devotional to reflect on the intimate connection between the throne of God and the Lamb and the liberty that we have to ask and receive abundant grace. This book also includes Murray’s furthered ideas on love, completing the thoughts that he began in The Secret of Brotherly Love.







Check out the rest of The Secret Series here.

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