Amy Carmichael understood the importance of being close to God. Even when she was struggling with illness and was unable to physically participate in the Dohnavur Fellowship’s mission of caring for orphans in India, she was spiritually close to their needs. She frequently sent reflections and revelations from Scripture to the missionaries and orphans to encourage them.
As Amy shared with those close to her heart, allow her to share with you. This collection of devotional thoughts will share with you pieces of who God is so you can better trust the completeness of His purposes for your life.
The earth is filled with the glory of God and His wonderful works, yet what we observe are only glimpses of the fullness of His power. Read and be moved by these ─ mere edges of His ways ─ and contemplate along with Amy how much bigger and greater God is than anything we can see or imagine!
ISBN 9780875080628
About the author
Amy Carmichael was the eldest daughter of a large Christ-centered family in Millisle, Ireland. She was impressed at an early age that “nothing is important but that which is eternal.” This understanding proved to be the foundation for her service to the Lord among the mill workers of Ireland, the Japanese briefly, and then in India where she began her ministry to children in 1895 and where she remained until her death in 1951.
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