
Coming Soon from John MacArthur

Through the cacophony of a sin-perverted world, John MacArthur beckons you to step back into the simplicity of The Ordinary Church: Restoring the Biblical Model.

In today’s landscape, not everything claiming the title of a church embodies health or truth. Pastor John MacArthur’s The Ordinary Church serves as a guide to adopting a God-honoring approach in establishing and defining a faithful congregation amid the challenges of a sin-perverted world.

Therefore, MacArthur invites us to cut through the distractions and walk the old paths, where the timeless truths of Scripture guide us in discerning what truly constitutes a faithful congregation. Prepare to embark on a journey that transcends the superficial and leads us to the heart of genuine, enduring fellowship.

This is what Brian Biedebach, the Dean of Students and Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry at The Master’s Seminary has to say about The Ordinary Church:

“This book has come at a key moment in church history. Society today has infiltrated many churches in ways that lead to confusion among leaders and discontentment among members. John MacArthur provides much needed clarity and insight into how an ‘ordinary church’ is truly extraordinary. This book will not only help remind leaders to remain on task, but it will help every member to grow in his or her love for the body of Christ, ‘the fullness of Him who fills all in all’ (Eph. 1:23). John MacArthur has produced a work that should not only increase your love for Christ, but as you consider these chapters, they will invigorate your desire to serve the body with increased joy.”


Additionally, John MacArthur is the chancellor of The Master’s University and Seminary, an author, and a conference speaker. He is also a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California. He’s also a chairman and featured teacher of Grace to You, a nonprofit radio and television program. He and his wife, Patricia, live in Southern California and have four married children, and fifteen grandchildren.

The Ordinary Church will be released on 2/18/25.

Order your copy here:

Read the Bible with Melissa McLaughlin

Have you ever tried to read the Bible only to give up halfway?

Reading through the whole Bible can be challenging, especially with the stress and busyness of everyday life. That’s why Melissa McLaughlin wrote The Whole Bible Devotional: Seeing Jesus in Every Book of the Bible.

The Whole Bible Devotional gives you a nonacademic overview of the Bible, laying out the foundation of God’s redemption plan through Christ. In addition to this overview, McLaughlin will walk you through 66 scripture readings and guided prayer through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation.

Melissa A. McLaughlin taught as a public school teacher for twenty-eight years and then transitioned into writing full-time. Melissa has authored a prayer guide titled In Dark of Night When Words Fail, Voice of Jesus Pray for Me.  She earned a certificate in Foundations in Biblical Studies, is active in her local church, and has led many Bible studies through the years. She also hosts the Christian blog Truthful Grace and writes articles on topics such as biblical growth, spiritual life, passionate prayer, and poetry.

See what early readers are saying about The Whole Bible Devotional:

“The structure of this devotional is genius. Summarizing each Bible book through key scriptures and guiding us through insightful prayers that instruct and encourage, McLaughlin makes the Bible more accessible than ever, always pointing the reader back to the main point—Jesus. In a sea of devotionals, this is the one to pick up if you’re looking for simple, effective, and Spirit-breathed.”

Jessie Mattis, Award-Winning Author, Power Up


“As I read each page, I felt like I was reading God’s Word with a friend. The personal experiences, the Scripture readings, and the heartfelt prayers allowed me to glean from God’s Word without being overwhelmed. This is a wonderful book to share with others. Great to give as a gift.”

— Melissa Henderson, Award-Winning Author

The Whole Bible Devotional will be released on January 28th.

Preorders are available on our websiteAmazon and Barnes & Noble.

Visit to shop for all your Christian literature resources.

New from the Christian Life Series

This December we are releasing two new books in the Christian Life Series, previously the Institute for Christian Life Series, Gender and Sexuality by Michael Riccardi and New Testament Survey I by Nathan LeMaster! Read summaries for both titles below.


Gender and Sexuality


Gender and Sexuality equips believers to confront the lies of the culture with the unchanging truth of God’s word and displays clearly God’s beautiful design for men and women. In this powerful book, Riccardi explains that as a Christian you must take an active role in your faith life, especially regarding gender and sexuality.

As the world’s definitions of good and evil continue to shift,  Riccardi challenges and equips believers to confront the lies of the culture with the unchanging truth of God’s word and displays clearly God’s beautiful design for men and women, sexuality, and human identity.



New Testament Survey I


In this first of his two-volume New Testament Survey, Nathan LeMaster guides us thoughtfully through the Gospels, the book of Acts, First, Second, and Third John, and Revelation.

These books of the Bible, written by eyewitnesses of the life of Christ, answer the questions about the central focus of the New Testament—Jesus Christ the Messiah. To study the New Testament is to study who Jesus was and is, and to catch a glimpse into the glorious reality awaiting the Christian: life with Christ!



The Christian Life Series is a series of books that provide advanced doctrinal, biblical, and ministry training in an accessible and understandable way. From pastor to new believer, this series can set the groundwork for every Christian. Use this series for individual growth or within your church for leadership seminars, basic discipleship, Bible studies, and small groups!


Both titles are available on December 20th. Browse the Christian Life Series here!


Announcing Unique Insight by Dr. Stella Pak

“Love the Lord your God with . . . all your mind” (Matt 22:37).

But what if your mind processes differently?

The Bible can be difficult to understand, but for people with autism spectrum disorder, it can be an even greater challenge. Its abstract, indirect, and subtle expressions and numerous allegories, metaphors, and more can be significant hurdles for those on the spectrum to comprehend.

That’s why Dr. Stella Pak has written Unique Insight: Seeing Scripture from an Autistic Point of View. Coming from her unique perspective as a physician with personal and professional experience of the autism spectrum, Dr. Pak’s Bible study guide provides clear and direct insights into Scripture to help all believers.

Now, you can benefit from Dr. Pak’s unique study methods. Whether you are on the spectrum or just want a deeper understanding of the Bible, you can learn by seeing Scripture from a unique point of view.

“In Unique Insight, Dr. Pak, a physician and devoted Christian, crafts a captivating debut devotional. She transports us to the era of the Bible’s writing, inviting us to imagine the context and glean practical takeaways for our lives. Dr. Pak’s medical background in autism guides the book’s application of the ABC and FAST methods. This book was refreshing and insightful to read. I have never read a book quite like it.

Robert J. Nash

Pastor at Sawyer Highlands and Converge Community Church, Sawyer, MI

Born in South Korea, Dr. Pak was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder in early childhood. She immigrated to the United States at the age of 18. Despite facing numerous obstacles, she tenaciously overcame them and completed her medical education. In her free time, Dr. Pak creates biblical illustrations that she shares on her social media. She also invests time in her online autism Christian support group “Blessed Beyond the Spectrum.”

Unique Insight will be released with CLC Publications on October 29th and can be ordered through:

Announcing Pray! and Praise! by Ruth and Warren Myers

After 30 years, CLC Publications is proud to announce that we are bringing back Pray! How to Be Effective in Prayer and Praise! A Door to God’s Presence by Ruth and Warren Myers to print.

Ruth and Warren Myers spent their lives teaching men and women how to experience God and discover His will. They served with The Navigators for several decades as staff members in Asia and the United States. Both prolific writers, they originally penned this collection together in the eighties.

Warren passed away in 2001, and Ruth in 2010, but their influence lives on in the numerous books they collaborated on, including Pray! How to Be Effective in Prayer and Praise! A Door to God’s Presence, and three Bible studies: Experiencing God’s Attributes, Experiencing God’s Presence, and Discovering God’s Will.

In Pray!, Warren and Ruth Myers will teach you how to pray, outlining the biblical principles, patterns, and practices of prayer. The Myers offer a rich prayer theolCover of Pray! by Ruth and Warren Myersogy while providing practical ways to enrich your prayer life.

Whether shaping habits for your own Quiet Time (the devotional time Christians spend to study the Bible and connect with God) or explaining the Lord’s Prayer, the Myers use Scripture as the foundation for their teaching. They exhort all Christians to practice prayer, depend on the help of the Holy Spirit, intercede for the lost, and support God’s global mission.

“Prayer is simple, but maturity in prayer comes from time and practice.” – Pray! Ruth and Warren Myers

Learn how to pray, whom to pray for, and why prayer matters!

Cover of Praise! by Ruth and Warren Myers

Warren and Ruth Myers invite you to marvel at the one true God most worthy of our praise, which is rooted in rich biblical understanding in their book, Praise!. They call on all Christians to cultivate a deeper relationship with God through the daily practice of rich praise.

Focusing our attention on God, Ruth and Warren teach us that the more we come to know God, the more we will desire to praise Him. Joy flows from knowing Him. Warren and Ruth showcase the biblical foundation for praise and delve into the difficulty of praising in all circumstances. They invite you to enter the true joy and freedom of praising our glorious God.

“Praise enables God to give us external deliverances and blessings, which in turn call forth fresh praise.” – Praise! Ruth and Warren Myers

Discover how to praise the Lord in spirit and truth in Praise!

Study materials regarding tips for planning your quiet time and a devotional study on praise are included with each title.

Pray! and Praise! will be released on April 15th and can be ordered through:

We hope that these titles will be a blessing to you!

We think it is all about our initiative and our effort, when in fact that is the worst way to live the Christian life.


Why did you decide to write this book?

I was living in a cabin on a lake, and I had relocated my office to a garage. I was writing a daily column while working in an area surrounded by boxes and fishing gear. One of my columns that summer was about being driven — how it’s important to keep pushing yourself. Since I typically write about leadership and management, it seemed like an interesting topic, because many leaders in business tend to drive forward under their own power. Companies like Facebook or Google initially started because of one or two people promoting a crazy idea.

That got me thinking about Jesus, and about my own Christian life. One thing led to another, and I found myself writing an entire chapter of a book. I wanted to write about how Christians often try to do the same thing as entrepreneurs in business, that we push and push and push. We think it is all about our initiative and our effort, when in fact that is the worst way to live the Christian life. It ends in failure and burnout. I felt a tug on my own heart, that I was the one making all of the decisions in my life about how to be a good Christian. It wasn’t working. So I decided to write about how God has propelled me instead, those Holy Spirit moments when it’s obvious that the only way to “succeed” spiritually is to let God do the driving.

Why did you decide to write about marriage, and friendships, and community?

They say to write about what you know. In my “day job” writing a column for Inc. Magazine and Fox News Network, I tend to cover topics that are well within my own expertise. I was a corporate manager for about a decade, and I write about those experiences often. For many years, I tested products and reviewed them, so I still write about gadgets. But there’s one area where I’m more personally experienced than any other, and it is in living my own Christian life for the past 30 years. I’ve seen how God has worked in my marriage, in friendships, in the workplace — it’s amazing to see his hands of grace guiding me.

Who is your audience?

I’m glad you asked! I do have a reader in mind, and it is someone who is struggling to move forward spiritually. I guess that is all of us, in a way. Even the most spiritually mature person in the world is not always moving forward o finding great spiritual success. We might experience periods of tremendous growth, but then we stall out. We might finally confront an inner demon, only to see another one pop up out of nowhere! I know how this all works. Lifeblood is really intended as a message to struggling Christians, and the main message is to realize that it is the Holy Spirit inside of you who brings about real change and growth. In many ways, the message is to relax. To stop worrying so much. To let God have all of the control.

Why is this book worth reading?

I realize there are many, many books available — most of them are probably more interesting! The one reason to read Lifeblood, though, is to hear a message of hope that you can live victoriously and without the guilt of feeling as though you have to be in charge of your own spiritual destiny. Lifeblood is not intended as a “self help” book but a “Jesus help” book. It’s a total transformation in how we view our Christian lives, how we make decisions and how we advance spiritually. It is not under our own power. It is by him and through him.


About John Brandon: John Brandon is a well-known reporter and columnist for Inc. magazine, Fox News Network, Christianity TodayRelevant magazine, and many others. For ten years, he worked as a corporate manager in the Information Technology field. After 9/11, John’s employer (who became nervous about the world economy) fired him. At the advice of his wife, he became a writer and has since published over twelve thousand articles in seventeen years. Over ten million people have read his thought-pieces on leadership, productivity, mentoring, and technology for He lives in Minnesota with his wife, Rebecca, and has four children, two sons-in-law, and three grandchildren. This is his first book.


About Lifeblood: Lifeblood is what flows through us when we first find Christ; but as time goes on, we start to grow stale in our spiritual life. Not simply a how-to book, Lifeblood is about getting back to the basics of Christianity and making life-altering communion with Jesus possible every minute of the day. Tapping in to your lifeblood starts with you; but it will flow to your friendships, marriage and family, church, work, and even your community. Lifeblood is available for pre-order